Public Consultation
Public Consultation
As part of the Kingsbrook strategic urban extension, plans for the next phase of educational facilities are being developed.
The Kingsbrook development was granted outline planning permission in December 2013 under application reference 10/02649/AOP. The development is expected to be completed in 2031 and will provide 2,450 new homes, 10ha of employment land, a neighbourhood centre, green infrastructure, flood defences and the provision of two primary schools and one secondary school.
Two of the three schools have now been provided and the Kingsbrook development has reached the final phase of educational facility provision.
Buckinghamshire Council is now pleased to share details of the second primary school which will be located to the north of the new Kingsbrook Secondary School on Armstrongs Fields.
The proposals seek full planning permission for the development of a 3FE 630 place primary school, a 90 place nursery, and a 12 place Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) unit. However, it proposed to initially construct the school as a 2FE 420 place primary school, a 60 place nursery and 12 place SEND unit in a manner that will enable its future expansion to reflect the growing development of Kingsbrook.
The school will be run a local authority and a Department for Education approved sponsor which is yet to be agreed.
Vehicular access to the site will be taken via the existing two points from the road to the east utilising an in and out system. The scheme will provide car parking for staff (including accessible spaces), mini bus spaces and electric vehicle charging points, along with provision of secure cycle parking.
External space provision will include fenced playgrounds for each year group, a grass sports pitch, multi-use-games-area (MUGA) and habitat area. A detailed soft landscaping scheme is being developed with planting choices to maximise benefits for wildlife in order to continue the wildlife-friendly ethos of the wider Kingsbrook scheme.
The main hall and external sports areas will be made available for hire outside of school hours for the benefit of the local community.
Superseded Visualisation
Superseded Visualisation
Superseded Visualisation
Superseded Visualisation
Following the public consultation, a planning application was submitted to Buckinghamshire Council and validated on the 6th August 2024.
We are no longer taking comments via this consultation website. However, this does not affect your statutory rights to comment on the submitted application directly.
The application can be viewed under reference 24/02285/APP using the Council's planning application search tool linked below.
You can view and download the submitted proposed plans below.
The final design has been informed by the outcome of consultation and discussions with the Local Planning Authority.
You can view the proposed plans by pressing the plans to download them.
Proposed Site Layout - Option 1
Proposed Site Layout - Option 2
Proposed Ground Floor Plans
Proposed First Floor Plan
Proposed Elevations
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